3D Printing Projects

The frames of these face shield versions require 3D printing as an additional production procedure. Different designs are available that involve little to moderate assembling. Most models can be shipped easily. It does require sourcing of extra materials such as filament and commonly an elastic or rubber band. A few versions use foam or neoprene. 3D printed models take longer to manufacture than cutting only versions. However, the frames may be reused and the shields (plastic sheets) are mostly replaceable.



Recommended material

Production process


“Prusa Face Shield”
by Prusa Printers (Czech Republic)

clear sheet, PETG filament for the frame, and elastic or rubber band

3D printing and cutting


“Design that Matters Face Shield 3.0 (remix of Prusa)”
by Timothy Prestero (USA)

clear sheet, PLA for the frame (alternatively PETG, ABS, ASA, or Nylon), and elastic or rubber band

3D printing and cutting

DtM-v3.1 Face Shield

“RC2 Face Shield + Maker Nexus Extensions (remix of Prusa)”
by Maker Nexus makerspace (USA)

PETG for the shield (eventually also APET and RPET possible), PETG filament for the frame (alternatively PLA), and elastic band

3D printing and (laser) cutting


“IC3D/Budmen Face Shield”
by Budmen Industries (USA)

PETG or Acetate for the shield, PETG for the frame, elastic band, and foam

3D printing and cutting

IC3D Face Shield

“3DVerkstan Face Shield”
by 3DVerkstan (Sweden)

clear sheet, filament (PLA, CPE, PETG, ABS, etc.), and elastic band

3D printing and cutting


“Georgia Tech Face Shields”
by Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)

PET or similar for the shield, PC or similar for the frame, elastic band, and foam (optional)

3D printing and cutting (die, laser, or water jet) or injection molding

gatech face shields

“CVHCS Laser Cut or 3D Printable Face shield”
by Assistive Technology team at the Central Virginia VA Health Care System (USA)

Polypropylene for the shield, PETG for the frame, and cord, elastic or rubber band

3D printing and laser cutting or injection molding

CVHCS face shield

“Scrunchie Shield”
by Scrunchie Shield - FaceShield.Us

clear sheet (PVC, PC, or PETG), filament (ABS, PLA, or PETG)

3D printing and cutting

Scrunchie Shield;

“3D Printed Face Shield (MITRE)”
by MITRE Corporation (USA)

clear sheet, PETG for the frame, elastic band, and string

3D printing and cutting

Face Shield (MITRE)

“SLS Printed RAG Face Shield”
by Rapid Application Group (USA)

clear sheet, filament, and elastic or rubber band

3D printing and selective laser sintering (SLS) or MJP

RAG Face Shield

“3D Printable Face Shield (HP)”
by HP 3D printing

clear sheet, filament, and elastic or rubber band

3D printing and cutting

Note: different designs available

“Avid 3D Printable Face Shield”
by Avid Product Development (USA)

clear sheet and filament

3D printing and cutting

avidpd 3d-printing

“CBA Quickshield”
by Zach Fredin

clear sheet, filament, and neoprene

3D printing and cutting

CBA Quickshield

“LL version 20190316.1”
by Scale Works (& Zach Fredin)

clear sheet, filament, and rubber band

3D printing and cutting

LL Quickshield